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Documents Needed For Tourist

Document should be submitted before trekking.

Medical Certificate should be submitted during trekking.

Documents should needed of Foreigner -
1. Passport Details 2. Visa Details 3. Passport size Photo

Documents for Indian -
1. Any valid Identification Certificate 2. Passport size Photo

What is the best time for doing a Goechala Trek

goechala trek

Best Time for Goechala trek: Weather and Climate: A learner’s companion to weather, seasons, and climates

The Goechala Trek is one of the famous treks in India in terms of the scenic beauty of the Great Himalayan range including the Kanchenjunga. This trek specifically is in Sikkim and provides the adventurous people a thrilling experience of high altitude trekking through the alpine pastures, Rhododendrons forest, glacial meadow. Nevertheless, its timing should be done right in order to make the trek safe and enjoyable. This article will give a clear view on the most appropriate times for trekking the Goechala, including the weather, seasons and the climate prevailing at places en-route to the Goechala.

Introduction to Goechala Trek

Before going further with the tips about the better time to visit to Goechala trek,  it would be better to know what makes this trek special. The highest point on the trek is the Goechala Pass that is located at an altitude of 16,200 Foot or 4,940 meters. The route provides a look at the Kanchenjunga, the third highest mountain in the world and other mountains: Pandim, Kabru and Talung. Besides, through the trek, the beautiful and green forests as well as high altitude lakes, hence making it an informative and fascinating trekking adventure.

Weather and Climate on the Goechala Trek

The climate on the Goechala Trek differs according to the time of the year. It is sunny and temperature of high altitude is quite low during trekking so you will find chilling winds and sometimes snow also during the trekking. This means that the timing is largely influenced by weather and climate throughout the year as is advisable to what needs to be done.

Weather and temperature during by month.

Summer (May to June): Good weather for the day but the temperatures are suitable for the trekkers as compare the October November,

Monsoon (July to mid-September): Possibility of heavy down pour, most of the trails become muddy and chances for landslides are also high.

Autumn (late September to November): Good for Trekking  the sky is blue and the air fresh, but temperature goes down day by day and month during from the mid November temperature will be extreme cold.

Winter (December to February): Hiking trails and low temperatures and where the weather involves snow and very low temperatures especially when up the slopes. And trekking will be close During this month because of snow and extreme temperature.

Spring (March to April): Beautiful flowers, especially the rhododendrons, and pleasant climate without fog or cloud obstructing one’s view of the surrounding mountains.

Best Seasons for Goechala trek

The best time for the Goechala trek, will be from March to April, this being spring, and from late September to November; the autumn season. These seasons present good weather, least hazy days and therefore you are assured of the best views as you undertake the trek.

Why Spring is Ideal:

Each season has its charm but the best season to do Goechala trek is from March to Mid- June because the trail is adorned with flowers like Rhododendrons, magnolias and Orchids. The landscape or the vegetation comprises of many colors, especially while hiking, you come across beautiful scenary before reaching the Goechala Pass. The climate of spring is moderate to moderate warm and dry with average temperature at lower areas varying from 10c to 15c while in the high elevations it is comparatively colder during this period.

Advantages of Trekking in Spring: At least Ts stands for something in this respect: it means that something remains unchanged, is preserved, or can at least be.

all These, for their part, are some ,solutions’ that, at the very least, defend or preserve something.

Floral Bloom: The whole trail is painted with beautiful rhododendron flowers and therefore it’s a real treat for tourists and photographers.

Comfortable Weather: Hiking is easy during the day because of good temperatures though night temperatures are still reasonable if you have appropriate clothing.

Clear Views: The weather is relatively clearer in the higher altitude areas where one gets to view scenic snow capped mountains including the highest Mountain Kanchenjunga.

Disadvantages of Spring Trekking:

Snow on Higher Trails: Most part of the trail is visible; however, some areas of the higher altitude like Goechala Pass might still be covered with snow and thus might be little risky.

Early Rains: The temperature may start fluctuating in the second half of April specifically in the end of it, there might be the first pre-monsoon rains, this makes the terrain slippery at some places.

Why Autumn is Ideal:

There are many ideal times to trek at the Goechala region with the most appropriate one often being during the autumnary season. Once the monsoon is over the area has green foliage and it brilliantly contrasts with sharp snow covered peaks against the blue backdrop. This season is also characterised by cool dry climate which is suitable for trekking not the freezing winter.

Advantages of Trekking in Autumn:

This is how: However, it is still possible to make a list of attributes that denotes professionalism and can be used for the purpose of comparison with other professions:

Crystal-Clear Views: After the monsoon winds are operative, free of dust and moisture, and this is why one can get some of the best and most beautiful views of the peaks of the Himalayas.

Pleasant Temperatures: Thus, by day it is quite comfortable for trekking whereas nights may be relatively cold which is not suitable for this kind of activity.

Stable Weather: One of the prime features of autumn is that it’s less volatile weather wise, there are no severe, sudden storms or even heavy down pour.

Fewer Crowds: While one can walk the trails in spring, autumn remain the second favorite time of the year in terms of tourist influx though the trails are a little less crowded.

Disadvantages of Autumn Trekking:

Colder Night: The temperature during the daytime is quite moderate but as days go towards nights, especially during October and November, the temperature can drop sharply. That is why warm clothes and any other accessories are very important.

Shorter Days: Autumn is characterized by small number of hours of light during the day which is not very appropriate for trekking. This demands that one establishes early in the morning so as to get to the camp sites before it gets dark.

Monsoon Season (July to Mid-September)

The second thing that makes the monsoon an unfavorable time to trek Goechala is the fact that the region is infamous for its rains that come along during the monsoon period. Sikkim being in the Eastern Himalayas receives heavy amounts of rainfall during the monsoons and therefore trekking is extremely risky. The trails get wet and the terrains are slippery and aside from the usual dangers of trail hiking such as bumped head, broken bones, being lost, slippery mountain roads going to the trail head are also very prone to landslides.

Leech Infestation

This season is accompanied by water and leeches; these small creatures are all over the forests and trails making it uncomfortable for those intending to go trekking.

Poor Visibility:

The rain and the mist hinders the visibility of the surrounding mountains and this means that you will not enjoy the breathtaking views of the mountains that are associated with the Goechala Trek.

Travel Disruptions:

During the monsoon, landslides are reported frequently, thus chocking the roads that lead to the start of the trek.

When to Avoid the Monsoon Season:I needed time to think and reflect during my pregnancy, and I believe I finally found some during this period.

The worst mistake that one can make would be to trek during the monsoons because of safety issues and the wet and slippery trails. If you’re planning your trek, then it is advisable to avoid the months of July, August and early September.

Winter Season (December to February)

I love winter and it makes each trekking a new journey and in case of Goechala Trek it offers a different look completely covered with snow. But it is a season for the experienced trekkers who can easily manage cold temperature and snow fall during the trekking period.

Why Winter is Challenging:

While trekking to the Goechala, winter is a very different affair as there is heavy snow and especially in the higher regions the trek becomes much more rigorous. The temperature could go below -20°C in some areas of higher camps and in most of the months, the trail to the Goechala Pass could be filled with snow.

Snow-Covered Trails:

The bigger part of the sledding area is snow packed and so deep that maneuvering through it might be tiring to some riders or the riders can be trapped or stuck in deep snow; there are specific areas along the trail where there is a high possibility of avalanches.

Limited Accessibility: Some area of the trek may remain closed due to snow especially of the higher treks, so even though the trek to Goechala Pass is there you might not be able to cover it fully.

Advantages of Winter Trekking:

Serene Landscape:

The whole of region is covered with snow which gives it a beautiful look of a winter season wonderland.Less Crowded:

Trekking during the winter season to Goechala is very uncommon and this means that you are going to find yourself alone on the trail.

Who Should Consider Winter Trekking:Thus and thus Mr. Speaker Sir, you see I ended up here and I want to be sent back to the mausoleum where I was born.

Winter adventure should be attempted only by those who have prior experience of treks in this snowy region of the earth and above 4000m. Moreover, appropriate protective clothing and outfit and quality trekking equipment is needed in order to avoid dangers.

Conclusion: The Best Time to Trek Goechala

It would be best to strive to visit Goechala trek in the months of March to April or September to November depending on permanent ground access/footage condition, climatic conditions during the peak times and personal experiences. These are the most ideal seasons as the weather is good, the visibility of the surrounding Himalayan mountains is clear and the temperatures undergoing which are perfect for trekking. Generally, both seasons provide a very different and wonderful experience to hike in Annapurna circuit still, those trekkers, who want to have clear sky and very good weather should go in the autumn and on the other hand, those who would like to see blooming flowers on the way through should go in the spring.

Do not hike during the rainy season that is from July to mid-September since the trail is wet and you may be attacked by leeches or meet an event of landslide. This means that winter trekking particularly from December to February is only advisable for the experienced trekkers when they have prepared firmly for the cold weather and terrain with snow.

Timing you choose to trek Goechala will not only increase the total experience factor but also it will help you to avoid those unfavourable situations which can be life threatening in this great Sikkim high altitude trek. It’s always possible to have a worthy view, different kinds of plants or just some nice walk in Goechala Trek Accordingly, I can assure that it is great every season and it depends on which one would a person prefer and would be fit to trek.

Upcoming Trek DateUpcoming Trek Date

Documents Needed For Tourist

Document should be submitted before trekking.

Medical Certificate should be submitted during trekking.

Documents should needed of Foreigner -
1. Passport Details 2. Visa Details 3. Passport size Photo

Documents for Indian -
1. Any valid Identification Certificate 2. Passport size Photo